Do You Have an Underground Water Leak? Here's How to Find Them

What to Know About Spotting Hidden Water Leaks

Hidden water leaks are no fun, but they can happen to anybody, so homeowners need to know how to determine if there is a leak at home - even one hidden out of view or underground. Once homeowners suspect a leak, they can reach out to a plumber to confirm, locate it, and repair it, in turn fixing the adverse effects of the leak, such as high water bills and water waste. This blog will share three ways homeowners can be alerted to a leak in their homes. 

Signs of a Water Leak

leakWhen determining if there is a water leak within a home’s plumbing system, it is always helpful to be in tune with what is happening in and around the house. Being observant allows homeowners to see where minor problems could be pointing at bigger issues requiring immediate attention. Here are some signs that may suggest there’s a possible hidden water leak:

  • An increase in the water bill: High water bills without a corresponding increase in water consumption could indicate that water is flowing out of the system somewhere, possibly through cracks or holes and not out of taps and fixtures.
  • Water pressure decreases: If water doesn’t seem to flow with the same volume as it used to, this may point to a decrease in water pressure which could result from water escaping out of a leak in the water line and not making it out the tap.
  • Water pooling in the yard: Puddles of water forming in the yard for no evident reason could be a sign that it is coming from an underground leak.
  • Sound of water running: When homeowners hear running water when no water is being used from the home’s fixtures and appliances, it may point to a leak. 

Water Meter 

Another way to detect the presence of a leak is to use the home’s water meter, which may also have its own leak indicator. The leak indicator is a brightly colored arrow, usually red, green, or blue, that spins to indicate water leaking out of the system. To do this properly, it’s crucial to first shut off the home’s main water valve before checking the leak indicator on the meter. If all water to the house is cut off and the indicator still keeps spinning, it’s a sure sign of a water leak.

What if the water meter doesn’t have a leak indicator? If this is the case, it’s still possible to use the water meter to determine if a leak is present. With the main water valve turned off, a homeowner must record the meter reading and then come back after 30 to 60 minutes of not using any water to recheck the meter reading. Any changes in the reading without using any water means there’s likely a leak.

Professional Leak Detection

proAnother way for homeowners to find a leak in their plumbing is to call a plumber for professional leak detection services. Professional plumbers have a variety of special methods and equipment at their disposal to tackle even the most challenging of leak detection and repair situations. 

Plumbers may use acoustic leak detectors, thermal imaging, or video inspection to hone in on the leak’s exact location so they can fix it less invasively. Having a trustworthy, reliable plumber on call who can perform these services can save homeowners a lot of time, money, and stress when dealing with difficult water leaks.

About RCL Mechanical

RCL Mechanical is a locally-owned and operated HVAC and plumbing business serving Taunton, MA, and the surrounding communities. They provide flat-rate prices, financing, and the latest technology. Call them today for water leak detection services in Taunton, MA

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Get Ready for Spring With Air Duct Cleaning!

Get the 411 on Air Duct Cleaning Services 

Suppose the outdoor condenser and indoor evaporator units are the heart of a home’s central air conditioning system. In that case, the air ducts are the arteries and veins that cycle the air through the house and help maintain its temperature. Like blood vessels, these ducts can become narrowed or clogged with grime. However, professional air duct cleaning can keep the HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently, as it should. This blog post will discuss air duct cleaning and how to tell when it’s needed. 

The Benefits of Duct Cleaning

ductDirty ducts are not only a problem for the HVAC system’s energy efficiency, but they can also be a health hazard. People with respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, COPD, or emphysema are highly susceptible to pollution indoors. If ducts are not cleaned regularly, they can hold all sorts of triggers for these respiratory problems, including dust, pet hair, mold and mildew, and pollen. Cleaner air ducts mean the following benefits:

  • Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): The indoor air quality will be improved with clean ducts because allergens can hide in the ducts, affecting the entire home’s air quality.
  • Better Energy Efficiency: If the ducts are clean, airflow is improved, and the HVAC unit will not need to use as much energy to get the air where it needs to go.
  • Money Savings: Cleaning the ductwork leads to improved efficiency, which can reduce energy bills.

Indicators of Dirty Air Ducts

Since they are hidden by design, how does a homeowner know if they have dirty ducts? Some signs indicating that air ducts are dirty and need professional duct cleaning are:

  • Dusty or dirty vents
  • Mold growth on vents
  • Foul or musty smells
  • Strange noises
  • Dirty and clogged air filters
  • Worsened respiratory, asthma, or allergy symptoms

Keep Ducts Clean Between Professional Service 

filterEven if a homeowner gets their air ducts professionally cleaned, they can do some things to help keep them clean between professional cleanings. One crucial task a homeowner can do to keep their ductwork clean is to replace air filters regularly, typically at least every three months. Routine air filter replacements keep the system running efficiently and improve indoor air quality by trapping airborne particles and allergens. 

Air filters may need to be changed more often, however, if members of the household suffer from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues. Keeping the house clean is another way to help keep the air ducts clean because less dust and debris will enter the air cycle. If the area is particularly humid, homeowners may want to look into a dehumidifier to help cut the moisture in the air and reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth in the ducts.

About RCL Mechanical

RCL Mechanical is a locally-owned and operated heating, AC, and plumbing business serving Taunton, MA, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat rate pricing, 24/7 availability, and the latest technology. Call them today for air duct services in Taunton, MA

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Three Water Conservation Efforts to Try This March

Three Ways to Save Some Green for St. Patrick’s Day 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that the average household spends over $1,000 on water costs yearly. That’s just one family! Thankfully, there are many things homeowners can do to reduce their water consumption and save money on water bills. This blog will share three tips to help save both water and money. 

Turning Off the Water During Routine Tasks 

tap waterSome easy habit changes that can save a lot of water include:

  • Turning off the water when shaving: Shutting the water off when shaving can save 10 gallons of water per shave. 
  • Turning off the tap when brushing teeth: Keeping the water on while brushing one’s teeth can waste 8 gallons of water daily. 
  • Shutting off the faucet when washing dishes: Turning off the kitchen sink faucet while washing dishes by hand can save 10 gallons of water.

Installing Water-Saving Fixtures and Appliances 

Water-saving plumbing fixtures are becoming increasingly popular for households and businesses looking to reduce their water consumption and save money. Examples of water-saving appliances include low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets. 

Low-flow showerheads use less than 2 gallons of water per minute, compared to standard showerheads that use around 2.5 gallons per minute. This seemingly small difference can add up over time for savings. Low-flush toilets use less than 1.6 gallons of water per flush, compared to old toilets may use about 3.5 gallons per flush. Households can use at least 20 percent less water by installing water-efficient fixtures and appliances in their homes, leading to significant savings. 

Prevent Toilet Issues 

toiletThe only things that should go down the toilet are human waste and toilet paper. Flushing anything else risks causing toilet clogs, and clogged toilets can also be wastewater. When a toilet is clogged, it uses additional gallons of water to flush the obstruction. 

Clogs can also occasionally result in the toilet's flapper valve staying open for an extended period, allowing water to run continually and waste significant amounts of water. To prevent toilet clogs, homeowners should refrain from flushing anything other than toilet paper down a toilet. 

About RCL Mechanical 

RCL Mechanical is a locally-owned and operated plumbing, heating, and cooling business serving Taunton and the surrounding communities. They offer flat-rate prices, a membership plan, and the latest technology. Call them today for clogged toilet repair or bathroom and kitchen plumbing services in Taunton, MA.

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Get to Know the Home's Boiler Better

Three Things Homeowners Might Not Know About Their Boilers 

A home’s boiler plays an important role; it heats the house even during the coldest months of the year. However, there are many things about these systems that homeowners may not know––which can be critical to a properly working system or help them decide on their next heater replacement. 

Some things to know about owning and operating a boiler include: 

Many Boilers Don’t Boil Water 

boilThere’s a good reason why boilers have their names. When boilers were invented in the 1860s, they boiled water, then heated homes using hot water vapor. For many years, the basic design remained the same. That is until engineers came up with safer, alternative ways of designing these appliances. 

Now, most boilers operate using a heat exchanger instead of boiling water. Instead of boiling water in a storage tank, the boiler’s pipes heat water, sending that heat to various parts of the home. There are many advantages that modern-day boilers have over their older counterparts. Because many heat water on demand, they don’t rely on tanks, making them more energy efficient. They also offer more flexibility when it comes to their purchase and installation. 

Boilers Offer an Eco-Friendly Option 

Boilers, especially those certified by EnergyStar, offer an eco-friendly home heating option. EnergyStar reports that its boilers have an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) of 87 percent or more for oil boilers and 90 percent or more for gas boilers. An AFUE score measures how efficiently an appliance operates. 

The higher a boiler’s AFUE score, the higher the initial purchase cost may be. However, homeowners will save over time because of the lower utility costs to run it. Some energy-efficient boilers also qualify for tax credits and rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act so homeowners can save even more. This makes installation more affordable and allows homeowners to start seeing the benefit of a green boiler almost instantly.  

Low Boiler Pressure Affects Efficiency 

billBoilers need adequate pressure to operate correctly. When the boiler pressure inside the appliance is low, it may not heat the home as well as it could. It could also: 

  • Shorten the boiler’s lifespan 
  • Lead to higher energy bills 
  • Increase the risk of problems to the system 
  • Lead to poor indoor air quality 
  • Lead to uneven heating throughout the home 

It’s crucial to get routine maintenance from a professional to prevent low pressure and other issues with a boiler. 

About RCL Mechanical 

RCL Mechanical is a locally-owned and operated business serving Taunton, MA, and the surrounding areas. They offer flat rate pricing, financing, and 24/7 availability. Call them today for boiler services in Taunton, MA

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3 Common Signs of Frozen Pipes

Be on the Lookout for These Signs of Frozen Pipes 

Winter brings with it plenty of hardships. Dealing with the plummeting temperatures and snow is bad enough, but the toll that winter weather can take on the plumbing can be too much. Having to deal with the fallout of a frozen pipe adds a lot of frustration to an already stressful season. 

Frozen pipes may not sound too bad at first. Surely anyone can deal with losing water to a fixture for a day or two until temperatures warm up. But, the real problem with frozen pipes is that they can lead to a pipe burst and flood the area with gallons and gallons of fresh water or even sewage. 

Instead of taking the risk of having to deal with a burst pipe, homeowners should understand the warning signs of frozen pipes so they know if they need to winterize the pipes and put more effort into prevention. Protecting pipes from freezing can be the difference between a relaxing and cozy winter and a nasty, expensive plumbing emergency. Here are three signs that pipes are freezing. 

Low Water Pressure From Faucets or Fixtures faucet

As a pipe freezes, its diameter is reduced by ice forming inside the walls of the pipe. As the diameter of the line is slowly closed off, water will come out of fixtures at a lower pressure or just a trickle. If the pipe and its contents are completely frozen, then no water may come from the fixture at all. 

If homeowners notice little to no water coming from a tap, this indicates a pipe is frozen. Homeowners should be careful when pipes thaw because when water freezes, it puts pressure on the line, and it can burst, which can cause massive flooding when the line unfreezes. Homeowners should immediately contact a plumber if they believe a pipe has burst. 

Exposed Pipes With Visible Frost 

If it is cold outside, pipes exposed to the elements are at risk of freezing. The most obvious sign that a pipe has frozen is the presence of frost on its exterior. When frost appears, this clearly indicates that the water inside the line has turned to ice and blocked water flow. It is important to address the issue immediately if this happens, as frozen pipes can lead to costly repairs. 

Taking steps such as covering exposed pipes with insulation or a tarp and letting faucets drip when temperatures drop drastically can help prevent frozen pipes. Contact a plumber immediately if it is too late and the pipes are already frozen. They will be able to help properly thaw the pipes. Homeowners should not try to thaw frozen pipes on their own to prevent further damage. A professional plumber will be able to identify any other issues that may have led to the pipe freezing and help ensure it doesn't happen again. 

Foul Odors in the Bathroom 

smellIf the bathroom smells like sewage in the winter, it’s another sign the sewer line is likely frozen. Freezing temperatures can cause sewer pipes to freeze, leading to an unpleasant smell. When the water in the pipe freezes, it expands and blocks the flow of waste, causing a sewage backup. This can cause an unpleasant odor in the area around the pipe and any other areas connected to it. 

In addition, if the freeze-thaw cycle is repeated several times, it can cause pipes to crack or break, leading to further backups and odors. To prevent sewer pipes from freezing, homeowners should ensure that they are properly insulated and sealed with caulking. Also, pipes should be checked regularly for any signs of damage or wear. These steps can help reduce the risk of frozen pipes and decrease the likelihood of unpleasant odors.

About RCL Mechanical

RCL Mechanical s a locally-owned and operated business serving Taunton, MA, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat rate prices, the latest technology, and 24/7 availability. Call them today for emergency plumbing services in Taunton, MA.